Tuesday, July 09, 2013

If the spectacles with which you look at life changes your life is "transformed"

The Definition of HAPPINESS  in life is different for different people. There are many people who have forgotten the etymological meaning of this terminology....There are many women who are  more qualified than their partners but in due course of time have forgotten themselves.

A woman's life is like a river.  It keeps flowing throughout its lifetime, through civilizations and keeps serving everybody's needs without expecting anything in return. Just like how a woman keeps showering others with love and doing her duties without considering what she wants in life.in the process , then she compromises her ambitions, purpose, wishes , likes etc
So do u want our women to be like this river ? Suppressed! Deprived!  Used and ignored...like a disposable cup? People extract in the name of love and unknowingly they surrender to it....considering those feelings as genuine as she doesn't realize the motive behind the love.They are oblivious to the very fact that slowly they lose their own voice and at a later point in life when they dwell upon their past and that when the realization dawns upon them...."Where is my damn voice??"....They are suppressed to the point that  their souls are forced unto the depths of darkness...women are prevented from going outdoors and experiencing life..

My blog is designed for such people to give them a wake up call so that they can react on time & not get delayed like many of us who wake up @ midlife..when it becomes a bit too late to take actions as body and mind gets attuned to few things.One should and must love family but that does not mean u forget yourself By hook or crook u hav to have time for yourself to become self independent. In due course i will share with u all a story of a girl-child who was neglected from day 1 and how she survived. Its awful to see how  some affluent families still differentiate between a boy and a girl.

People's Attitudes Never Change! ;)


  1. So true Mow..... and so well put!

  2. Thanks Deepa. You r the first one to comment on my Blog. This means a lot to me.
