Saturday, August 17, 2013

True Friend

Can opening heart be so comfortable?
When you start
You have hesitation and anticipation
But when you actually open
It starts overflowing like water from locked gates
One goes on and on
And thy true friend gives you a patient hearing,
Thereby making all perturbed pains disdaining
Giving thy mind a complete solace 
At the end My Friend those personal delicate advices,
We're true antidote to all my vices
It was a heart to heart talk, 
With no pages left unturned,
But changing myself in return.
 My dear friend you have changed me a lot, 
I learnt to keep quiet but be firm
Be headstrong but to abide by all family norms.

The wheel of life keeps on turning, 
Darkness has to give way to morning,
Now, I fear not challenges and problems,
And have the courage to face them.
But my friend,now I do wait eagerly,
To share things in joy or sorrow blatantly.
As utmost realization tells me
"Opening heart to a TRUE Friend can really be very comfortable".